Friday, August 25, 2006
I, the infamous "El Guapo", bought a cute little Venus Fly Trap today. At first I was going to name it "Republican", but the fly trap is very beneficial to the environment and to my indoor garden. I think I’ll save that name. Someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.....THEN I can call it "Republican".
posted by The Infamous "El Guapo" at 12:51 AM 4 comments

You want the ...... WHOLE enchilada??!!!???!!!!


The infamous "El Gaupo" is known in many circles...and CUIDADO! He is very, very, very......very e sneeky! Like Sour Cream on a green enchildada, he's HOT and ORIGINAL!!!

Word on the street is that "El Guapo" is going to have a special stroy to report on......

AY!!!!!!! DIOS MIO!!!!!!!!!

posted by The Infamous "El Guapo" at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Infamous "El Guapo" and his posse of ridin' Banditos will begin to explore our deep thoughts and spicy conversations with you about...

- Senator Chris "I can't believe it's not" Buttars (R) Utah
- SLC County GOP Chairman James "They love me, they RREEAALLLYYY love me!" Evans
- Utah Minuteman Alex "I am not racist, I just don't want Mexicans here...and I hate rice and beans" Segura
and muy, muy more!!!

posted by The Infamous "El Guapo" at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006
AY!!!!!! Dios Mio! Is anyone safe, from the handsome bandit, the infamous "El Guapo" ? For some of those
espanol-challenged Banditos out there, "Infamous" means......"more than famous".....anyway.... "El Guapo" is a man of the people..and the people are tired of being tired in this crazy and beautiful state.

But, Jefe...what is an "El Guapo"?

"El Guapo" can mean soooo many things to sooooo many different Utahns. In a way, each of us has an "El Guapo" to face. For some, shyness might be their "El Guapo". For others, a lack of education might be their "El Guapo". BBUUUTTT for many politicians and others around this great North American Continent, "El Guapo" is a big, dangerous man who many of our elected officials will have to face in order to bring back truth, justice, and the NORTH AMERICAN way back into this state and nation.

The people need a voice, they want to be MANY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!!!!!!..and so shall the people be set free! There is a time to be serious, and there is a time to play......and "El Guapo" is going to do them both. It's time to get down and dirty with..."El Guapo".
posted by The Infamous "El Guapo" at 8:53 PM 0 comments