I, the infamous "El Guapo", bought a cute little Venus Fly Trap today. At first I was going to name it "Republican", but the fly trap is very beneficial to the environment and to my indoor garden. I think I’ll save that name. Someday I might find a plant that eats poor people and minorities.....THEN I can call it "Republican".
posted by The Infamous "El Guapo" at 12:51 AM
At 2:45 PM, The Senate Site
I bought a Venus Fly Trap, but it hasn't moved or done anything since 12:51 a.m. on August 25, 2006. Maybe it's dead.
I'm going to name it 'El Guapo.'
At 6:17 PM, The Senate Site
Well I detected movement from my Venus Fly Trap AND from this blog site on October 4 at exactly 5:34 p.m.
To get either of them to stir, apparently, you have to BUG them.
The name stays, amigo. It's apt.